Book Sale

JUNE 2-4, 2023 The book sale will be held at the Central Skagit Library in the Large Community Room during the Blast From The Past 2023 events, June 2nd, 3rd, and 4th. Roberta Nelson will be managing book donations and
JUNE 2-4, 2023 The book sale will be held at the Central Skagit Library in the Large Community Room during the Blast From The Past 2023 events, June 2nd, 3rd, and 4th. Roberta Nelson will be managing book donations and
We are accepting book donations for our upcoming Book Sale. Spring clean those bookshelves and if you find any books that no longer spark joy, we’d like to have them. Drop off your donations at the Central Skagit Library until
Join the meeting in person at 110 West State Street, Sedro-Woolley OR online via your computer Join the meeting via your phone (audio only) by calling 253-215-8782 (in Washington) or find the correct phone number if elsewhere Join the meeting via one tap mobile+12532158782,81071212167#,*053762#
Central Skagit Library has put together a series of fascinating events in October focused on the theme of water. On October 3, guest speaker Dan Berentson from Skagit County’s Department of Natural Resources will explore water quality, storm water, flooding
Following a busy Presidents’ Day Weekend of reorganization, the library on Ball Street has reopened under its new name: the Central Skagit Sedro-Woolley Library. The library will be open 50 hours a week, from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Monday through
The City of Sedro-Woolley and the Central Skagit Library are working together to plan, design and build a new library serving residents in the combined services areas of the City of SedroWoolley and the Library District. The predesign study scope