The City of Sedro-Woolley and the Central Skagit Library are working together to plan, design
and build a new library serving residents in the combined services areas of the City of SedroWoolley
and the Library District. The predesign study scope includes:
- A library needs assessment – a systematic process to identify and address the needs and
priorities of library users and non-users – to form a community vision, goals and service
priorities for a new library - A facility program listing space requirements for a new library
- Site evaluation and selection of a preferred location for a new library
- Conceptual design for a new library that meets program and budget requirements on the preferred site
A New Library Planning Committee, with representatives from the City of Sedro-Woolley and the Central Skagit Library System, was formed to provide direction to the consultant team and make recommendations to the District Board and City Council.
The public engagement strategy for the needs assessment included an online and paper survey, a community-wide open house meeting, a facilitated workshop with library staff and a strategy workshop with representatives from a broad range of community organizations. Community responses were documented and analyzed, informing service priorities and space needs for the New Library.
A second community-wide open house meeting along with staff and strategy workshops were conducted to share information and gather feedback on the needs assessment, facility program, site selection, budget and conceptual design.
The new library budget includes $6.825 million for land costs, construction, design/engineering, furniture, fixtures & equipment and the opening day collection. Additional funding has been requested from the state to support the new library project.
Six sites were identified and evaluated using selection criteria established by the New Library Committee – availability, adequate area for the New Library and parking, proximity to the Sedro-Woolley central business district and transit options, visibility.
The preferred library site, located at 100 West State Street, was chosen by the New Library Predesign Committee as the preferred site. This property meets the selection criteria. It is available and large enough to accommodate a 10,000 sf – 13,000 sf one or two-story library with parking. The site has very good accessibility and visibility, with a generous south-facing open space.
The City of Sedro-Woolley and the Central Skagit Library subsequently approved and completed the acquisition of the preferred property in early 2018.
The full report is available here.